My Work
Here are brief snapshots of recent work-related projects, blog posts, and presentations I’ve given. I'll try to add to the list over time, but it's mostly reflective of items starting in late 2019.
More detailed case studies of my website work can be viewed over on


I worked on the strategy and design for new statewide resource, for helping victims of crime in Montana.

For the second year in a row, I presented at this annual tech conference

I was asked by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits to be a presenter at their monthly meetup, called the Communications Networking Roundtable.

In this webinar for the legal services community, I talked about our experience in redesigning this important state resource.

For this blog post, I talk about the challenges in upgrading Drupal 7 to 8, and how to best approach it.

I led the redesign for the Minnesota Department of Revenue website