Website Trends for 2020

I was asked by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits to be a presenter at their monthly meetup, called the Communications Networking Roundtable.

In December 2019, I gave a presentation over the lunch hour to a group of nonprofit professional on current and upcoming trends they should be tracking. The original session description went as follows:


The web doesn’t wait! 

It just 8 years ago that the term “responsive design” was coined, and now it’s the expectation that every website is mobile-ready. Just last year that Google Chrome started tagging sites as “not secure” if they weren’t encrypted with HTTPS.

New tools and techniques for designing and managing your website continue to be released, and user expectations continue to evolve. But with so much “newness,” what should we be paying attention to?

We’ll spend our time covering some of the latest trends, and how they might apply to your website. Some are coming soon, while others are still far away. Some are already here!

Topics include:

  • Chatbots

  • Voice search

  • Decoupled websites

  • JAM Stack powered websites (JavaScript/APIs/Markup)

  • Online privacy, and privacy experience

  • AI and machine learning

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