My Work

Here are brief snapshots of recent work-related projects, blog posts, and presentations I’ve given. I'll try to add to the list over time, but it's mostly reflective of items starting in late 2019. 

More detailed case studies of my website work can be viewed over on

Accessibility updates
New website for MontanaLawHelp
Benefits to recurring tests
Moving beyond the .JPG
Redesign for the City of Santa Barbara, CA
Strategy, UX and design for state agency
Learn about free and paid options for testing
Strategy and design work for a large university's housing department
I was one of the featured speakers at this annual conference of government and Drupal.
I conducted the latest version of my talk, "The Battle for Online Privacy," for an international audience.
In this blog post for Electric Citizen, I share the lessons I've learned about incorporating privacy concerns into your next site build.
Strategy and design for a redesigned medical magazine